Here Today, Gone Tomato

The amazing tomato is our eating in season feature of the week. Botanically known as a fruit, culinary speaking we refer to tomatoes as vegetables. Tomatoes can be classified according to their harvest time or by their characteristic type. That means you may hear the term early, mid season or late being used in addition to their other common names. Early tomatoes mature within 65 days, mid season tomatoes mature between 65-80 days and late variety tomatoes mature around 80-100 days. We farm 10 acres of tomatoes which includes 21 varieties of artisan and heirloom tomatoes including plum, cherry, large round early and late variety, grape and heirloom. 

Tomato crops are a very popular crop for us here on our farm and they are a very labor intensive crop as well. Our production team plants the seeds, takes time to stake the plants to keep them off the ground, and then affixes the plants to the stakes a few times as they continue to grow. As a popular crop for us, we plant both greenhouse and field grown tomatoes. Our greenhouse plantings occur on three different occasions beginning with planting in our greenhouse around Christmastime. The greenhouse is heated and the tables are heated so that the seeds will have a little help to germinate. The second planting is typically around the 4th of July and in between the greenhouse plantings we sow field tomatoes in March, April & May.

Enjoy tomatoes while in season with these specially curated recipes by our culinary & educational specialist, Miss Jenn. Try polenta with roasted tomatoes or this roasted tomato ricotta tart, heirloom tomato bruschetta, risotto stuffed tomatoes, or peach and tomato caprese salad

Guide to Popular Tomatoes on our Farm 

Grape tomatoes are crisp, meaty, versatile and shaped like a grape. Juicy rich taste make them ideal for snacking, salads, sandwiches,  grilling and roasting. 

Cherry tomatoes are small in size and are the most versatile. They come in interesting colors such as red, orange, yellow, or purple varieties. They are a cooking mainstay and great for adding bursts of color to any dish. Described as sweet & tangy cherry tomatoes are good for eating raw, cooking, grilling, using in sauces or drying.

Roma tomatoes, also known as Italian plum, are a flavorful tomato ideal for making sauce or tomato paste. They contain fewer seeds and have a firmer flesh making them great choices for tomato pesto or bruschetta.

Heirloom tomatoes originate from the seeds that have been passed down for generations. Ranging in size and unusual colors they are known for their rich and velvety flavor and melt in your mouth texture. Ideal for eating raw in salads and sandwiches or used for grilling or roasting. 

Best wishes from our farm kitchen to yours! XO


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