Farmer’s Folklore and wisdom was a necessary way to pass down knowledge through families and generations. It was a way for Farmers to pass along historical information and to preserve oral history. This provided a sense of community for their rural lifestyles and brought people together. This was done through these sayings, songs, and tales centered around ag beliefs. Some of them are still relevant and useful today.
Something as simple as the folklore where it references weather was so important to sharing information back in older times when weather predictions were not readily available . “A red sunset foretells clear weather, while a yellow sunset means rain or worry.” This information was vital to the success of a farmers preparedness and livelihood.
We’ve created a new series where we will feature these nostalgic, and chuckle-worthy, bits of wit and wisdom on our social media throughout the coming months as our way of sharing all of our Ancestral Agrarian roots with you.
Got one that has been passed down in your family? We want to hear from you!