Bunchy Goodness

Spinach is a cool weather vegetable rich in vitamins, minerals, nutrients, antioxidants and fiber. Belonging to the amaranth family, spinach is also related to beets and quinoa. It is said that this vegetable originated from Persia and that during medieval times the green pigment may have been used as ink for artwork. 

We grow the three basic types of spinach savoy, semi savoy and flat leaf here on our farm. We plant this crop about ten different times throughout our growing season. As spinach is a cool weather vegetable, we plant the crop in early spring, fall and sometimes into early winter utilizing our high tunnels. We avoid planting spinach in the heat of the summer as the crop prefers cooler temperatures. Spinach takes about 45 days to grow from planting seed to harvest so we are continually planting in proper conditions to ensure adequate supply for our weekly produce boxes of fresh picked fruits & veggies.

Spinach is picked at the peak of ripeness on our farm and washed before bundling and making it available in our farm store, farm stores and farmers markets. We recommend washing all produce in water once you get it home. Spinach can be stored in your refrigerator for up to two weeks without spoiling or frozen to extend shelf life. 

Interested in enjoying spinach in some of your meals? Our culinary and educational specialist has curated these fabulous recipes that are sure to bring a farm to fork experience to your dinner table. Try this spinach and cheese stuffed meatloaf recipe or this recipe for spinach wraps  to eat in season with us on our farm.

Best wishes from our farm kitchen to yours!  xo


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