Asparagus Among Us

Asparagus Eggs Mornay
Asparagus, a member of the lily family, is only harvested during spring months in our area, so when it’s available be sure to savor some of these tender veggies. Remember that eating in season and eating local is more sustainable and tastes best! We have just begun harvesting our own asparagus and have it available in our farm store and farm stand.
Asparagus supplies plenty of nutrients including potassium, fiber, thiamin, and vitamin B6 to help you going. Enjoy asparagus in salads, soups, quiche, or roasted. Jenn Borrealo, our culinary specialist, provided a simple and tasty recipe using asparagus: Asparagus Eggs Mornay. For more information on eating seasonally, visit our blog!
asparagus in our fields

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