Home> Recipes> Corn Fritters

Corn Fritters

6 ears of corn (about 3 cups)
4 scallions, both white and greens finely chopped
1/2 cup chopped herbs of your choice chives or chives
and parsley mixture
About 1 cup (6 ounces) grated sharp cheddar
3/4 teaspoon kosher salt, plus more to taste
Freshly ground black pepper
4 large eggs
1 cup all-purpose flour, plus 2 more tablespoons if needed
Olive or a neutral oil for frying (I used safflower)

Remove the husk from the corn and place the narrow end
of the ear into the bottom of the bowl. With a sharp knife
cut the kernels from the ear of corn. When the kernels are
removed continue to run your knife up and down the cob
to release milk. You may have more than 3 cups of corn.
Mix in the scallions, herbs and cheese. Mix in salt and
black pepper to taste.

In a separate bowl beat the eggs and then add to the corn
mixture. Add the flour and stir to blend. Only add the
extra flour if needed to hold the mixture together.

Heat a thin coating of oil in a large frying pan over
medium heat. Once the oil is hot, drop heaping
tablespoons of batter and press the fritters to flatten.

Allow to brown on the underside before turning. Brown
the second side. Do not press down on the fritter. Drain
on paper towel. Sprinkle with a little extra salt if desired.
It is recommended that you fry a fritter or two, allow to
cool to room temperature and taste. Season remaining
batter then as needed.

Adapted from: Smittenkitchen.com

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