Home> Recipes> Alstede Fresh Cilantro Bowl

Alstede Fresh Cilantro Bowl

Prepare Arroz Verde:
1 c long grain rice, 1 T olive oil, 3/4 c cilantro, 1/4 c parsley
1/2 c fresh or frozen spinach leaves, 1 jalapeno pepper roughly chopped (seeded)
1 small onion cut into small chunks, 2 cloves garlic, 2 c vegetable broth , 1/2 t salt (optional).
Preheat the oven to 350. Measure rice into a glass baking dish that has a tight- fitting lid. Drizzle with olive oil. Add the next 6 ingredients with one cup of stock to a blender. Blend on a medium speed, vegetables should be chopped fine. Add the mixture to a saucepan and add the remaining cup of broth. Bring to a boil and pour over the rice. Sprinkle with 1/2 t salt. Stir gently, cover, and bake for 20-25 minutes. Check to see if rice is tender and all the liquid is absorbed. If needed continue to bake covered for an additional 3-5 minutes.

Fresh Cucumber Salsa Salad
1-1 1/2 sliced cucumbers
1 pint cherry or grape tomatoes cut in half
1/4 – 1/2 white or red onion sliced
1 jalapeno pepper thinly sliced
Place all vegetables in a bowl.

Prepare the dressing:
In the bowl of a food processor, blend
1/2 c cilantro, 1 T onion, 1 garlic clove, 1/2 Jalapeno pepper seeded
1/2 T apple cider vinegar, 1 T Lime juice , 1/2 t honey or to taste
1/4 – 1/3 c olive oil, Salt and pepper
Process the ingredients and dress the vegetables. Chill for 1 hour before serving.
Add protein of choice, as desired: Grilled Chicken Sliced, or Grilled Flat Iron Steak or steak of choice sliced, Avocado peeled and sliced, black beans. Garnish with corn & cilantro leaves.

Set up bowls to serve: Rice can be served hot or at room temperature. Spoon rice into bowls. Add
the cucumber salad to the side of the rice. Slice the chicken or steak and avocado place into the bowl. Add some black beans and corn. Sprinkle with some extra chopped cilantro and serve immediately. Prepares approximately 3-4 servings.

Recipe and photo by Jenn Borrealo, Alstede Farms Culinary & Educational Specialist 

Be sure to visit our blog for more information on eating seasonally.

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