Home> Recipes> Apple Pie Egg Rolls

Apple Pie Egg Rolls

3 cups apples, peeled and diced (approx. 3 apples)
4 tablespoons sugar
4 teaspoons flour
3/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon lemon juice
12 Egg Roll Wrappers
Oil for Frying

Combine all filling ingredients and mix well.
Place 2 T filling onto the center of each wrapper
Fold in the sides and roll the wrapper tightly. Use a dab of water to secure the tip of the wrapper
Preheat the oil to 350, fry until golden brown and crispy on all sides.
Sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve warm.
You can pan fry in ¾“of oil in a frying pan.
Bake in an oven at 375 on an oiled pan for 15 minutes.

Note: You can also use wonton wrappers

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