Home> Recipes> Scialatielli pasta with clams

Scialatielli pasta with clams

For the Scialatielli pasta:
The ingredients to make it are
400gr of plain flour,
100gr of milk and extra if needed
3 leaves of basil chopped finely,
a pinch of salt and pepper
a couple of tablespoons of extravirgin olive oil
a sprinkle of pecorino cheese.
For the sauce:
1kg clams
1 or 2 garlic cloves
6 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
chopped parsley
red hot pepper (just a bit, optional)

Mix the flour with the milk, add the basil and all the other ingredients and knead till everything is mixed togethet and the dough is smooth. Leave it to rest for 30 min, then roll out the dough using a rolling pin and cut into long stripes(they should be a bit thicker than spaghetti, but shorter). Cook in salted boiling water when the clams are almost ready.
Golden the garlic and red hot pepper with oil in a wide frying pan (as it will have to contain the clams and also the Scialatielli).
Add well-washed clams, cover and wait until open, but make sure you don’t cook them too long as they get smaller and chewy. Make sure you leave most of their juice as that will make the pasta moist and delicious.

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