Home> Recipes> Leek and Mushroom Quiche (makes 2 quiches)

Leek and Mushroom Quiche (makes 2 quiches)

Many thanks to Lynda Stadtmueller who sent two recipes to share with all of you this week. Notice that Greek Yogurt replaces the cheese.
2 Pie crusts (make or buy)
3 leeks
2 10- oz packages mushrooms (button-type)  
4 eggs
2 c. milk (I used fat-free)
1 c. plain Greek yogurt
1 tsp cumin
Salt and pepper
Put pie crusts in pie pans.
Clean and slice leeks.  Cut off green leaves and bottom of leeks, so only white part is left.  Slice lengthwise.  With cut slide down, slice into 1/2 inch slices.  Place slices in large bowl of cold water, separating the layers with your fingers.  The dirt and sand will sink to the bottom of the bowl.   Lift leeks out with slotted spoon.
Heat a little olive oil in a large pan, and sauté leeks.  
Clean and slice mushrooms.  Add to pan with leeks.  Saute until leeks and mushrooms are tender.  Divide and put half into each pie crust.
Whisk together remaining ingredients (eggs, milk, yogurt, cumin, salt & pepper).  Pour over mushroom mixture in each pie crust.
Bake at 425 F for 20 minutes.  Then turn down oven to 325, cover with foil, and continue baking for another 10-15 minutes or until the quiche is set. 


From: HomeCooking.About.com




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