Home> Recipes> Four Ingredient Ice Cream

Four Ingredient Ice Cream

Many thanks to Kim DeMaria for sharing this family favorite with us this week.

2 bananas cut into one inch slices
1/2 cup strawberries, frozen
2 T almond milk or coconut milk
1/2 teaspoon vanilla

Place bananas on a plate separating each slice, place in the freezer for two hours, overnight is best
Freeze sliced strawberries.

Place the fruit into a food processor and blend until they are the consistency of soft serve ice cream.

Add the milk and vanilla and blend until smooth and well mixed.

Transfer to a freezer-safe container large enough to hold 2 cups, and freeze for at least 3 hours.

Scoop with an ice cream scoop and serve cold.


From: Mums Pantry September 23, 2015




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