Home> Recipes> Cherry Plum Jam

Cherry Plum Jam

CSA member Beverly Hansen brought us samples of this jam last week, it was delicious. She had used her sugar plums in the recipe.   I believe that you should be able to use this recipe for the plums in the shares.

This jam is a bit on the tart side, which is exactly how I like it. Feel free to add up to an additional cup of sugar if you prefer a sweeter jam. The recipe calls for whole cherry plums because, well, my cherry pitter was broken and the two stores I checked were sold out. If you own a working pitter, use it before Step 2 and omit Step 3.  Use organic whenever possible.

10 cups whole cherry plums
6 cups sugar
1/4 cup freshly-squeezed lemon juice
1/4 cup water

Make it:
1. Prepare a boiling water canner that is tall enough to ensure you have at least 2″ of water covering the top of your jars, plus space to allow for a hard boil without slopping over the rim.

2. Combine all ingredients in a large pot over medium-high heat, stirring and mashing the mixture until the sugar dissolves. (A potato masher works well for this.)

3. Turn off heat. Place a sieve over a large bowl. Carefully pour the hot mixture through the sieve, pressing on the solids. Set pot aside. Remove pits, reserving any fruit and skins left in the sieve. Add reserved fruit mash to strained mixture. NOTE: if you’re lucky enough to own a food mill, simply run the mixture through the mill.

Return the fruit mixture to the pot. Bring slowly to a boil, then cook rapidly to gelling point. Stir frequently as the jam thickens to prevent sticking or burning.

4. Remove from heat. Ladle hot jam into clean, hot jars.
For Ball or Kerr style jars – such as those pictured above – leave 1/4 inch headspace. Wipe rims clean and top with hot lids. Screw bands onto the jars just until finger tight.
For Weck jars – such as those pictured in this post – leave 1/2 inch headspace. Wipe rims clean and top with glass lids to which you’ve already attached the rubber rings. Clamp shut.

5. Process jars in a boiling water canner (212°F / 100°C) for fifteen minutes. Remove jars immediately and set upright on a clean towel or wooden surface, away from drafts. Let jars sit undisturbed for 12 hours. Carefully remove metal bands (Ball/Kerr) or clips (Weck). Check for proper seals. Label the jars and store in a cool, dry place for up to a year.

Yield: 7 to 8 half-pints.


From: Kitchentravels.com



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