Home> Recipes> Roasted Sausage and Vegetables

Roasted Sausage and Vegetables

In an effort to use ingredients that are available in the farm market, Kate prepared this recipe that incorporated vegetables from the share along with a package of Griggstown Sausage that is for sale in the Farm Market. The recipe has been prepared a few times and has also incorporated parsnips

1 bunch asparagus Cut into ½ pieces,
 ½ lb.  mushrooms, sliced
 1 large onion chopped
 ½ bunch chives chopped
2 tsp, dill, chopped
Measure the following ingredients into a large bowl:
2 tbsp. olive oil
2 tbsp. butter
 salt and pepper to taste

Roast all ingredients in 350F oven for approx. 20 minutes or until tender .   There is chicken sausage from Griggstown Farm in the market.  In a large frying pan, brown the sausage.  Add the sausage to the vegetables chopped vegetables and roast for an additional 15-20 minutes until the sausage is cooked through and the vegetables are fork tender. Sprinkle with parmesan cheese and serve on top of your favorite pasta!



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