Home> Recipes> Slow Cooker Cranberry Apple Cider

Slow Cooker Cranberry Apple Cider

CSA member Kim DeMaria sent this recipe along this week.

1 liter apple juice or cider, pure unsweetened
2 cups orange juice, pure unsweetened
1 liter cranberry juice, unsweetened
1/2 cup sugar, stevia, honey or other sweetener (to taste)
3 cinnamon sticks, whole
1/8 teaspoon ground cloves

Add all ingredients to a four quart or larger slow cooker.
Cook at least 3-4 hours on low or until hot
Keep warm as long as needed on a low setting
Left overs, refrigerate and reheat as needed.
Try to use whole spices, if not available use ground.

From: thereciperebel.com

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