Home> Recipes> Psychedelic Salad Rolls

Psychedelic Salad Rolls

CSA member Tamar Bacon sent this recipe this week.  She prepared it using the golden beets, radishes and carrots from our share last week.  This recipe might be one that we can adjust to use anything that we have on hand.

Serves: 4

For the filling:
8 rice paper wraps
1 head purple cabbage
5 big carrots
1-2 avocados
1 candy cane beet
1 watermelon radish

For the sauce:
½ c. almond butter
6 Tbsp. lime juice
5 Tbsp. tamari
1 Tbsp. maple syrup
4 shakes sesame oil
water (to thin, as needed)

1. Prepare your veg: grate your cabbage and your carrots, slice your beet, radish, and avocado (a mandolin comes in handy here).
2. To make the sauce: combine all ingredients in a jar and shake until combined.
3. To assemble your wraps: fill a large bowl with hot water. Insert one rice paper wrap at a time for 20 seconds. This is all the time it needs to soften. Carefully, remove from water and place on your flat surface. Arrange vegetables in the center, and roll your wrap like a burrito to finish.
4. Dip generously in sauce and enjoy.
From: Kateloveskale.tumblr.com

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