Home> Recipes> Avocado Bacon Ranch Deviled Eggs

Avocado Bacon Ranch Deviled Eggs

Recipe yields 1 1/2 dozen deviled eggs

9 hard cooked eggs
1 1/2 avocados peeled and pitted
2 tbsp. of ranch dressing 
1 tbsp. of sour cream 
2-3 scallions chopped
The juice of one lime 
Pinch of salt
4 slices of cooked extra crispy bacon

Peel and slice eggs length wise. Remove yolks and place in them in the bowl of the food processor. Set egg whites aside.  Add the remaining ingredients except the bacon… set that aside.  Pulse the filling until it is smooth,  add more ranch dressing or sour cream if the filling is too dry.  Pipe filling into egg whites and top with bacon crumbles.

From: Huffington Post

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