Home> Recipes> Peppers, Tomatoes and Potatoes

Peppers, Tomatoes and Potatoes

2 lbs. potatoes
2 lbs. sweet peppers
1 lb. or less plum tomatoes
1-3 heads garlic
½ cup Olive oil
Salt & Pepper

This is a really simple dish that takes advantage of all the flavors of summer. Cut potatoes into bite sized wedges for roasting. Cut the peppers into quarters or wide strips (you want them in fairly large pieces). Cut the tomatoes into halves or quarters. Peel the garlic cloves and leave whole. Put everything into a large mixing bowl and start pouring on the olive oil, salt and pepper. Mix well and spread it all out in a single layer of a baking sheet or two. Bake in a very hot 450° oven for 45 minutes to an hour, scraping and turning every so often, until the potatoes are golden and tender and the peppers and tomatoes have dissolved into a concentrated, smoky tasting sauce and everything is floating in oil. You could add some fresh rosemary to this dish if you wanted, to no ill effect.

From: The Kitchen Garden

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