Home> Recipes> Baked Stuffed Potatoes with Corned Beef and Dill Butter

Baked Stuffed Potatoes with Corned Beef and Dill Butter

 4 russet potatoes (10 to 12 ounces each), scrubbed well
 2 1/4 teaspoons kosher salt
 3/4 pound thinly sliced corned beef, coarsely chopped
 4 tablespoons (1/2 stick) unsalted butter, softened
 1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon chopped fresh dill
 Pinch freshly ground black pepper
 1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese

Preheat the oven to 425°F. Rub each potato with 1/2 teaspoon salt and pierce twice with a fork. Place the potatoes on a baking sheet and bake until the skin is crispy and the insides are tender when pierced with a fork, 1 hour to 70 minutes.

When the potatoes have cooled enough to handle, use a sharp knife to slice off the tops. Scoop out the insides, leaving about 1/4 inch attached to the skin, and transfer to a bowl. Add the corned beef, butter, dill, remaining salt, and pepper to the bowl and mash well with a fork.

Stuff the potato skins with the potato mixture. Divide the topping among the potatoes and sprinkle with the cheese. Return the potatoes to the oven and bake until heated through, about 10 minutes. Run under the broiler for an additional 1 to 2 minutes, until golden brown and the cheese has melted.

This basic method of rubbing the potatoes with salt and baking without foil, at relatively high heat, gives a very crisp-skinned potato that’s ideal if you are the kind of person who likes to eat the potato skin. I certainly am, and this had become my standard baked potato method. Just make sure to use russet potatoes, which have a thicker and more crisp-able skin than thin-skinned red potatoes and Yukon Gold.

When I make these for Daniel, I just skip the cheese and dust the top with a little flaky sea salt.
Pastrami, a slice of coarse countr ham, leftover pot roast, are all terrific substitutes for the corned beef if you are not serving this for St. Paddy’s Day.

From: Eattwinforks.wordpress.com

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