Home> Recipes> Vegan Brussels Sprout Quesadilla Recipe

Vegan Brussels Sprout Quesadilla Recipe

Remove the Brussels Sprouts from the stem.  Do not wash. Keep them up to 3 days in a produce drawer.

This original recipe is vegan. The choice is yours, be creative and make changes as you like adding other vegetables, or you may choose to add a little cheese or ham or even an egg.

2 whole flour tortillas
2 shallots
10 whole Brussels sprouts
2-3 whole garlic cloves (chopped)
1/2 teaspoon smoked paprika
1 tablespoon flat leaf parsley (freshly chopped)
2 teaspoons Dijon mustard
2 tablespoon hummus
2 tablespoon olive oil
¼ t sea salt

1.    Heat the olive oil in a pan.
2.    Slice the shallots and add to pan. Sprinkle salt over the shallots and sauté until softened, about two minutes.
3.    Finely slice the Brussels sprouts, add them to pan and cook for 3 minutes before adding salt and the sliced garlic cloves.
4.    Cook for 2 or 3 minutes more before sprinkling the smoked paprika over the mixture.
5.    Mix thoroughly, allowing the flavors to infuse before stirring in the parsley and transferring to a bowl.
6.    Heat the tortilla in a pan for a few minutes before spreading the mustard all over, the hummus over half and then topping with the Brussels sprout mix.
7.    Fold and cook in the already heated pan until toasty on one side before turning over.
8.    Once the other side is toasted, cut into three triangles and serve.

From: Recipe Corner

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