Home> Recipes> No-Bake Strawberry Icebox Cake

No-Bake Strawberry Icebox Cake


Remove the strawberries from the container. Line a flat plastic or glass container with a paper towel. Place a single layer of fresh strawberries into the container.  Cover with paper towel and seal with the lid or plastic wrap. Strawberries will last up to 4 days or longer depending on your refrigerator

No-Bake Strawberry Icebox Cake

serves 8 to 12

2 pounds fresh strawberries, washed
3 1/4 cups whipping cream, divided
1/3 cup confectioner’s sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 teaspoon rosewater (optional)
4 sleeves (about 19 ounces, or 24 to 28 whole crackers) graham crackers
2 ounces dark chocolate, finely chopped

Take out a few of the best-looking strawberries and set them aside for the garnish. Hull the remainder of the strawberries and slice each berry into thin slices.
With a hand mixer or in the bowl of a stand mixer, whip 3 cups of cream until it just holds stiff peaks. Add the confectioner’s sugar, vanilla, and rosewater (if using) and whip to combine.

Spread a small spoonful of whipped cream on the bottom of a 9×13 inch baking pan, or a similarly-sized platter. Lay down six graham crackers. Lightly cover the top of the graham crackers with more whipped cream, and then a single layer of strawberries. Repeat three times, until you have four layers of graham crackers. Spread the last of the whipped cream over the top and swirl it lightly with a spoon. Add a few more strawberries.

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