Home> Recipes> Cilantro Chicken

Cilantro Chicken

4 boned, skinned chicken breast halves
1/4 cup lime juice
1/2 cup chopped fresh cilantro
6 cloves garlic, chopped
1 tablespoon honey
1 tablespoon olive oil
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper

Pound the chicken breasts to an even thickness (about 1/2 in.) and place in a shallow baking pan    In a small bowl, mix lime juice, cilantro, garlic, honey, olive oil, salt, and pepper. Pour over chicken and turn pieces to coat evenly. Cover and chill at least 30 minutes or overnight. Lay chicken on a grill over medium heat and cook, turning once, until no longer pink in the center, 4 to 6 minutes per side.

Serve with fresh   “ Tomato Salsa”
2 ripe tomatoes, chopped
2 T red onion, chopped
1 jalapeno, minced
6 cilantro sprigs, chopped
2 garlic cloves, minced
Juice of 1 lime
2 T olive oil
¼ teaspoon salt, or to taste

In a mixing bowl, combine all ingredients together. Toss thoroughly. Let stand 15 minutes before serving.

Prepare some extra chicken, thinly slice leftovers and use to prepare chicken quesadillas!

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