Home> Recipes> Chili-Stuffed Peppers

Chili-Stuffed Peppers

Chili-Stuffed Peppers

Leftovers – approximately 4 cups of chili
1 cup of shredded Monterey Jack and/or Cheddar cheese
Kosher salt & black pepper
2 large green peppers, cut lengthwise and seeded

Heat oven to 400 degrees.  In a medium bowl, mix the shredded cheese with the chili.
In a baking dish, arrange the peppers, cut side up.  Sprinkle peppers with scant amounts of salt and pepper.  Spoon 1 cup of chili-cheese mixture into each pepper half.  Pour 1/2 cup water to the baking dish and tightly cover the dish with foil.

Bake in 400 degree oven for 30 – 40 minutes, until the peppers are soft.  remove the foil and bake for another 5 – 7 minutes, or until the cheese is fully melted.

Makes 4 servings as a hearty side dish (1 pepper half per serving)

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