A-maze-ing Day Down Broadway

There was plenty of popping good excitement in Manhattan on Friday, May 5th, when Alstede Farms brought the farm to “The Big Apple” with an exclusive tractor-drawn wagon ride down the streets of Broadway and through the sights of Times Square.  


Alstede Farms was “all ears” when they were asked to transport the cast and crew of Shucked, the new Broadway musical comedy, on a tour of Manhattan to introduce their album release. The cast enchanted passersby with excerpts from their a-maze-ing musical score while on an authentic open-air wagon ride being pulled by a massive and iconic John Deere tractor. The view of the city from the wagon ride was like no other according to the social media connoisseurs who were invited for a little farm-to-table tractor ride, music, and popcorn snack on that day.


Farmer Kurt W. Alstede added “It was certainly a once-in-a-lifetime thrill to drive our farm tractor and hay wagon right down 7th Avenue through Times Square in New York City.  Even more exciting was for it to occur in partnership with the outstanding new Broadway musical comedy “Shucked.”  

It was a real team effort that brought this project to realization.  There was a lot of due diligence to ensure that we were complying with all of the appropriate New York state and New York City laws…because as you might suspect it is rare that farm tractors drive down through New York City streets!  Driving the tractor in the Big Apple was undoubtedly one of the most historical moments in my lifetime. People really marveled at seeing the tractor!  Everyone waved, cheered, and took pictures…it was a blast! It was so much fun we agreed that we would love to do it again; all we need is another farm-themed Broadway show!

Actor Kevin Cahoon, nominated for a Tony Award for the show, has this to say about his wagon ride, “I moved to NYC 34 years ago from rural Texas and I have never seen a tractor in Times Square. I know tractors and Times Square, so to have been a part of this landmark event and get to celebrate the arrival of ’Shucked’ on Broadway, is almost more than my heart could handle. Thank you, Alstede Farms, for making this country kids’ city dream come true!”


Shucked is the new Broadway musical comedy about corn and community in rural Cob County that resonates with a new demographic that hasn’t yet been represented on Broadway. Farmers, hometown folk, and agriculturalists can all relate to small-town life and the virtues and values depicted in the scenes of this rustic and quipping show. “The musical represents a sense of humor and a sense of family and community” according to Actor Grey Henson quoted from his appearance on Good Morning America earlier this week. 

Alstede Farms, owned by Kurt W. Alstede & Mary Thompson- Alstede, is a first-generation family farm and a pioneer in sustainable agriculture, growing over 250 varieties of fruits and vegetables (including sweet corn!) on over 600 acres of preserved farmland in Morris County, New Jersey. Alstede Farms provides high-quality, local fruits and vegetables as well as memorable farm experiences including offering visitors the opportunity to pick their own produce and experience first-hand how their food is grown before it makes it to their dinner table. Alstede Farms is open year-round, to bring warmth, family fun, quiet solace, and friendly service to its guests throughout the tri-state area. More information is available at www.alstedefarms.com

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