Good enough to loose your rind

It’s Melon season on our farm right now and we typically have them available August through October, weather dependent. We farm 4 acres of melons growing 7 different kinds including red and yellow seedless watermelon, red and yellow seeded watermelon, muskmelon (AKA cantaloupe), honeydew melon and canary melon. 

Melons belong to the Cucurbits or Gourd family, they are annual plants that trail or vine and bear tendrils. Mostly monoecious, containing separate male and female flowers, they rely on pollinators such bees, wasps and other nectar loving insects to help them distribute pollen and ultimately bear fruit. Learn more about pollinators on our farm. 

Aptly named, watermelons are almost all water making them a perfect refresher for hot summer months, learn more about staying hydrated. They have been said to be rich in amino acids called citrulline that may help move blood through your body and are packed with water and nutrients while containing very few calories and making them exceptionally refreshing in Summer and appropriately helping you eat seasonally. 

Mostly eaten fresh cut into chunks, melons can also be frozen and made into smoothies, drinks and cold soups. We all know that the bestAlstede Farms Seven Layer Dip Reinvented way to eat them is to cut it and eat it right away, however, if you need to store cut melon the best tip is to wrap the cut end with plastic wrap and refrigerate or cut and store in an airtight container for a couple of days in the fridge. If you plan on using frozen, remove the rind, cut into pieces then freeze on a baking sheet in a single layer transferring to a zip top container for up to six months. Why wait to enjoy melon when we offer these variety of amazing recipes to avoid any leftovers!?!  Check out this watermelon and tomato salad to enjoy the abundance of the summer harvest or this watermelon lime spritzer for a refreshing treat.

You won’t want to miss this seven layer dip reinvented recipe in honor of our 40th anniversary & growing celebration. Traditional seven layer dip gets a light & healthy upgrade with farm fresh fruits in season like homegrown peaches, watermelon and tomatoes in this mouth watering recipe.

Looking for more melon recipes? Visit our website for more inspirations!

Best wishes from our farm kitchen to yours! XO

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