Tomato-ally Awesome Fruit

Tomatoes are the fruit of the tomato plant. They are botanically classified as a fruit since they contain seeds and grow from a flowering plant, however, they are more commonly known as a vegetable to most people. The scientific name for tomato is “Lycopersicon lycopersicum” translated to mean “wolf peach”.

Rich in lycopene and other antioxidants as well as vitamins and minerals, consuming tomatoes are not only tasty, they are believed to be beneficial to your health. 

The first tomatoes that are said to come to Europe were yellow varieties, therefore, the Italian word “pomodoro” for tomato translates to golden apple.

The tomato is eaten in many different ways, raw like a fruit, as an ingredient in many dishes, sauces, salsas, salads, processed into salsas, ketchups, soups, juices and sauces. We like to use tomatoes for our homemade pico de Gallo, for bruschetta and in this specially crafted dish, Risotto Stuffed Tomatoes provided by Miss Jenn, our culinary specialist. Get the amazing recipe here.  


There are estimates that there may be over 10,000 varieties of tomatoes that come in a variety of surprising colors including; pink, purple, black, yellow and white. We grow approximately 14-16 varieties of tomatoes on our farm starting out in our greenhouses in early Spring. We harvest the ten acres of tomatoes that are grown in our fields on our farm typically from July through October. We utilize our greenhouses to continue growing tomatoes late into the Fall sometimes through November and December. 

Tomatoes in our field are grown utilizing black plasti-culture which helps prevent weeds, maintains soil moisture and warms soil temperatures helping us to grow healthy tomato crops that extend into the season. 

Did you know that tomatoes continue to increase in weight as they ripen? This takes place even after harvesting, such a cool fact! 

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