Eggs-cellent choice for dinner

Eggplant, also known as Aubergine, is technically a berry, although regarded as a vegetable in cooking. The name for eggplant is said to have originated due to it’s resemblance to white eggs, as the variety of eggplant brought to North America by the European immigrants was white.
Eggplants are in the nightshade family along with potatoes, tomatoes and peppers.  This low calorie vegetable is high in vitamin A, C & polyphenols and is grown all over the world in a variety of shapes, colors and sizes.

Eggplants are in season on our farm right now and are typically harvested in the mid to late summer months of July through September, and often times into October. Eggplant tastes best when harvested young and they have a short growing season here in NJ. We typically grow six different varieties of eggplant on our farm including; Chinese, white, fairy tale, Italian, and Sicilian, all of which are available in our farm store, farm stands, and farmers markets. You may also experience the fun and satisfaction of picking your own eggplant in our pick your own fields when you visit our farm.

Once picked you may store eggplant, whole and peel on, in your refrigerator for up to five days. There are a variety of ways to eat eggplant including; grilled, roasted, breaded, fried or baked. Miss Jenn, our culinary specialist, has curated this delicious way to enjoy eggplant while in season to add some excitement to your weekday meals. Try making this eggplant lasagna recipe tonight for dinner!

Anyone care to guess which state produces the most eggplant nationwide?

It’s New Jersey, of course, the Garden State!!!

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