Home> Recipes> Quick Peach Tart
Quick Peach Tart

Quick Peach Tart

1/3 of a sheet of puff pastry
1-2 T seeded raspberry jam
1 ripe Alstede peach, peeled and thinly sliced
1 T brown sugar
1 T Amoretto (optional) or a 1/4 t almond extract
Sliced almonds, (optional)

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Bring the pastry to room temperature, roll just a little to increase the width about ½”.
Spread the pastry with a layer of raspberry jam to about 1/4” of the edges.
Slice the peaches and add the brown sugar and amoretto, gently mix to coat the peach slices.
Place the peach slices, slightly overlapping down the center of the pastry. Top with the sliced almonds.
Place the tray into the freezer until pastry is cold, about 45 minutes or longer.
Place the tray in the preheated oven and bake for 15 minutes. Pastry should look puffed on the edges.
Lower the temperature to 400 and continue to bake until the pastry is golden, and peaches are tender.
Serve with whipped cream
Serves 2-3
*This tart is best served the day that it prepared

Recipe and photo by Jenn Borealo, Alstede Farms Culinary & Educational Specialist

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