Home> Recipes> Grilled Peach, Blueberry, and Mixed Green Salad
Grilled Peach, Blueberry, Mixed Green Salad

Grilled Peach, Blueberry, and Mixed Green Salad

Toasted sliced or slivered almonds
1 medium quartered or sliced peach, grilled (see directions)
Greens from the share divided onto 2 plates (I used a little romaine and arugula)
About ½ cup blueberries
2-3 very thin slices of red onion
Toasted sliced or slivered almonds
2-3 T Balsamic Vinegar
1/4 c Olive oil
Goat cheese
A sprinkle of salt to taste

Heat the grill, brush the grates and the peach quarters with a little olive oil. Allow the peach to brown on one side before turning. If peeking, use caution not to move the peach.
If grilling inside on a grill pan: Brush the pan with olive oil, heat over medium high heat. Oil the peach slices as well, place down on a heated pan. Allow to grill a few minutes before turning. You want the grill lines for this recipe.
While the peaches are grilling toast the almonds in the oven or stove top. Slice the onion.
Place the greens on the plate, top with blueberries, peaches, slivers of onion, and sprinkle with almonds.
Drizzle with honey, whisk together the oil and vinegar and drizzle over the salad. Top with bits of goat or feta cheese. Sprinkle with salt. Serve immediately

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