Home> Recipes> Really Rad Roasted Vegetables

Really Rad Roasted Vegetables

From the share:
8-12 radishes halved or quartered
4-5 potatoes cut into small pieces
3-4 carrots chopped into chunks
3-4 parsnips cut into chunks

From your kitchen:
tbsp olive oil (more if you use more veggies)
1/4 tsp garlic powder
1/4 tsp steak spices
1/4 tsp seasoning salt
1/2 tsp parsley

Heat oven to 375 degrees.
Gather and wash veggies and chop into pieces.
Put into a microwave safe bowl and microwave on HI for about 3-4 minutes.
Take out of microwave and pour olive oil and all the spices into the bowl with the veggies. Stir around so that everything is evenly coated.
Spread veggies onto a baking sheet and cook for 30 minutes.
Take out of oven, let them rest for about 5 minute to cool and then serve with your meal.


Adapted from: dabblesandbabbles.com

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