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Blueberry Fool

Many thanks to CSA member Michele Zanzonico was in touch last week with this recipe for blueberries.

From the share:
2 C – fresh blueberries or frozen wild blueberries, thawed

From your kitchen:
2 T – fresh lemon juice
Scant 1/4 t – ground cinnamon
7 T – sugar, divided
1/4 t – coarse salt
2 C – heavy cream

Combine blueberries, lemon juice, cinnamon, 4T sugar and salt in a medium saucepan and bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce heat and simmer until blueberries burst and become very soft, about 8 minutes. Transfer mixture to a food processor and puree. Pour into a fine sieve set over a bowl, stirring and pressing on solids to remove as much liquid as possible. Discard solids and refrigerate puree until cold and thickened slightly, at least one hour and, covered with plastic wrap, up to one day.

Whisk or beat cream with remaining 3T sugar to soft peaks in a large, wide bowl. Drizzle puree evenly over cream and fold cream over puree twice with a large rubber spatula or wooden spoon just until puree is streaked throughout cream. Do not over mix. Transfer to a large serving bowl or individual serving dishes and refrigerate until set, at least two hours and, covered with plastic wrap up to one day. Serve cold.

From: Martha Stewart.com

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