Home> Recipes> Cranberry Orange Jam

Cranberry Orange Jam

From your share:
16 ounces of fresh cranberries (if you have a package in the freezer – can use them straight out of the freezer – no problem)
1 medium apple, peeled, cored, grated (any variety apple you have will do but tarter apples have more natural pectin which helps thicken the jam)

From your kitchen:
Juice and zest of 1 orange (juice should be about ½ cup – add water or orange juice if necessary to bring up to a 1/2 cup)
1 cup superfine sugar (Regular would be fine too)
2 tablespoons orange liqueur (optional)

Put all ingredients, except liqueur, in a medium saucepan on medium heat – bring to a boil, then keep at a low boil for about 15 minutes. Intermittently, you’ll hear the cranberries popping.
Mix often to check for thickening. If cranberries have not all popped and it’s getting too thick, add a bit more water or orange juice.
Taste for sweetness and flavor at about 10 minutes, and if desired, add in the orange liqueur. Cook for another 5 minutes, take off heat and use a wooden spoon or potato masher to break up most of the chunks. Put in jars and refrigerate. Should last about 2 weeks or you can freeze some for later use.

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